Macroalgae - The CleanMacro Series

At Algaebarn, we like to promote natural methods of reef keeping. People in this industry will agree on one thing - excess nutrients in a reef tank are a recipe for disaster. It is only a matter of time before there is an outbreak of pest algae. Then it is not long before the system crashes due to poor nutrient export. And the culprit? Most likely it is the well-meaning but heavy feeding client. Combined with intense lighting, high nutrients are just fueling the fire. Manual removal of pest algae and return visits eats away at the service schedule. Almost everyone in this line of work has experienced this type of situation.
The issue isn’t just about nutrient export. The issue is lack of nutrient consumption. Everyone in the hobby loses when a system crashes due to poor nutrient export. It is a trying experience for all involved. When dealing with nuisance algae, clients can upgrade their filter or skimmer. But that still doesn’t solve the problem.

In systems with a refugium installed, the client may already be familiar with the process of natural filtration methods. By hosting multiple types of macroalgae, biodiversity increases and so does nutrient consumption! AlgaeBarn has a wide selection of macroalgae that we cultivate for the best diversity possible. The microfauna of the reef will have a more abundant variety of food. Also, the food supply itself will increase when there is more macroalgae in the system. This is because copepods will be encouraged to breed. And with the added shelter from the macroalgae, increased numbers of eggs are likely to hatch.
Each order of AlgaeBarn macroalgae has been thoroughly inspected. We also follow strict quarantine procedures. This ensures that each order of AlgaeBarn macroalgae is pest free. Like all our aquacultured products, our macroalgae is sustainably grown.